Ha muerto Prithvi Raj, y el mundo que lucha contra el dolor llora en su despedida y sabe que será inolvidable y por sus enseñanzas, "inmortal", por su seriedad profesional sus testimonios irrefutables y por su calidez humana para extrañar.
Prithvi Raj ha sido una de las personas más queridas y respetadas del mundo del dolor, del mundo de las universidades, de las sociedades científicas, investigador, académico, maestro y líder ejemplar, que desarrolló muchas técnicas que quedarán como parte de su enorme legado, autor de muchos libros, cientos de papers, que impulso la Sociedad Americana de Anestesia Regional, el proceso más respetado de Certificación y el World Institute of Pain, que junto a David Neeve lucho por el derecho de las personas a vivir sin dolor y junto a su socio del alma Gabor Racz llevaron la medicina del dolor intervencionista al más alto escalón de reconocimiento como ciencia.
Llora el mundo del dolor, y muchos médicos se sentirán extraviados por algún tiempo, sufrirán no poder ir a abrazarlo o a preguntarle algo cuando visiten los talleres de Racz y Heavner en Budapest, pero en algún momento las lágrimas se secarán y recordaran sus enseñanzas y su calidez e inflaran el pecho al decirle a sus pacientes y colegas o a discípulos que conocieron a Prithvi Raj, extraordinaria persona y maestro inspirador, que aprendieron de él y que algunos tienen una foto con él.
Desde las 6 de la mañana que Kris Vissers (Presidente del WIP) envío la triste comunicación se sucedieron innumerables testimonios que indican el impacto mundial de semejante pérdida.
El Mundo del dolor esta de Luto y da sus condolencias a la bella familia de Prithvi Raj y a todos aquellos que aman la medicina gracias a la impronta de estos maestros que gracias a Dios todavía existen....
Juan Carlos Flores
Prof Doctor en Medicina FIPP
Director CAIDBA EPP Award
Chairman Latin American Section World Institute of Pain
World Institute of Pain :: P. Prithvi Raj, M.D.
P. Prithvi Raj, M.D. |
1950 B.Sc. Presidency College, Madras, India. 1958 M.B.B.S. Government Medical College Mysore, India Dr. Raj has done extensive postgraduate work. He has held many positions in the medical field from house surgeon to Orthopedic Registrar in India and England. Dr. Raj did Rotating Internship in Connecticut and his Residency in Anesthesiology in Texas. He has also held positions in Anesthesiology in Norway, England, Texas, California, Ohio and Georgia. His last position before retiring was Professor of Anesthesiology and Co-Director of the International Pain Institute at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. He is past president of the World Institute of Pain and an active member of many other professional organizations and committees. In his professional career he has received the following certificates, fellowships and diplomas.
2005 American Board of Interventional Pain Physicians 2000 Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice (FIPP)Added Qualification in Pain Management - (ABA) 2003 Rectification 1992 Diplomate American Board of Pain Medicine (DABP) 1971 Diplomate American Board of Anesthesiology (DABA) 1968 Fellow in the Faculty of Anesthetists of The Royal College of Surgeons of England F.F.A.R.C.S. 1966 Fellow - American College of Anesthesiologists (FACA)
Dr. Raj has earned numerous awards and honors and is listed in the “Best Doctors in America” in Chronic Pain Management. He has contributed to over 138 articles, edited numerous editorials, and is presently Editor-in-Chief (Emeritus) of Pain Practice. To add to his credits are twelve books, movies, videotapes, models and exhibits. During his professional career he has received the following significant honors and awards. 1980 Ray Robertazzi Memorial Lecture "Organization and Purpose of Multi-disciplinary Pain Clinic" New York State Medical Society Annual Scientific Session 1990 The Gaston Labat Award, ASRA 1995 Nils Lofgren Award Astra Pharmaceuticals For Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Regional Anesthesia 1995 Distinguished Academician Academy of Medicine Singapore 1996 Clinician of the Congress 7th International Congress The Pain Clinic Istanbul, Turkey 2000 Carl Koller Award - ESRA 2001 Outstanding achievements in Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine worldwide. TTUHSC Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Management Budapest, Hungary 2001 Honorary Member Catalan Pain Society Barcelona, Spain 2002 Career Excellence in Pain Medicine American Neuromodulation Society Orlando, Florida 2002 Honorary Member The Israel pain Association Tel-Aviv, Israel 2003 Premio Guido Moricca Award Sardinia, Italy 2003 Lifetime Achievement Award Foundations of Interventional Pain Management San Diego, California 2004 Honorary Member Turkish Society of Algology Istanbul, Turkey 2005 Distinguished Service Award ASRA Toronto, Canada 2007 Traweek Lecture TTUHSC Lubbock, Texas 2007 Recipient of Founding Father's Medal ASRA Vancouver, Canada |